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MySolutions attended ZKTeco’s grand Global Meeting Conference titled “Exploring the Singularities”

In the vibrant city of Zhangmutou, Dongguan, China, ZKTeco recently hosted a groundbreaking event – the Global Meeting Conference titled “Exploring the Singularities.” MySolutions, honored as the official distributor of ZKTeco products in the Philippines, had the privilege of being part of this transformative gathering from October 22nd to 24th

Gratitude and Partnership with ZKTeco

MySolutions Inc. extends heartfelt gratitude to ZKTeco for the opportunity to participate in this momentous event. Our partnership, spanning over 17 years, was celebrated during the conference. This enduring collaboration is a testament to our shared commitment to innovation and delivering game-changing solutions in this ever-evolving world.


The conference proved to be a resounding success, offering valuable insights into the latest advancements in security and biometrics. Attendees, including MySolutions, Inc., had the chance to explore cutting-edge technologies and engage in insightful discussions, laying the foundation for future collaborations.

A Toast to the Future

As the conference concluded, a collective cheer resonated through the venue. Glasses were raised to commemorate past successes and to herald a future marked by even stronger collaboration. We look forward to continuing our shared journey with ZKTeco, providing innovative solutions that make a lasting impact in the dynamic landscape of technology.

In essence, “Exploring the Singularities” was more than just a conference; it was a celebration of partnership, innovation, and a shared commitment to shaping the future. Here’s to the next chapter – a future that promises to be even more fruitful and dynamic for MySolutions, Inc. and ZKTeco. Cheers!

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